

CLUSTER BOMB UNIT "Distortorama" CDR-advance 2000 Germany

Review in Traitor

HOLY FUCKING SHIT this blasted my nuts off!!! I'd never let myself hear 
C.B.U. before for fear of them being another generic "new wave" (and by 
that I mean ANOTHER lame 90's Disclone) crust band. Dude, I was just so 
fucking wrong! Oliver, drummer for these Teutonic kings, was kind enough 
to send me a recordable-CD of this stuff, which I am assuming is an 
advance for an upcoming 7" (there's five songs). There's certainly that 
"crust" touch to this band, what with their leanings towards a driving 
tempo extremely reminiscent of "Victim Of A Bomb Raid" era ANTI-CIMEX 
and just a touch of a more serious side of SORE THROAT and faster/thrashier 
EXTREME NOISE TERRORisms...but ya know something, even though I can't 
speak for their past releases (I've never heard them), this band just 
seems to have their own aura about them. Wet-eel-slap-to-the-face 
production and a fucking 666-megaton guitar sound instills the Pug-Quiver 
in this hapless reviewer. Can't say anything about song titles or lyrics 
as Oliver didn't provide them (fave tracks are 2 and 3...2 reminds me of 
SORE THROAT and track 3 fucking sledgehammered my nuts until they swelled 
into balloons...which I now tie into quirky animals for the delight and 
amusement of the neigborhood children). A major plus is the singer's 
delivery...no lame and yawn-inducing cliche screaming or tough-guy 
gravel vocals...very straight-forward shouted delivery that adds to the 
hopelessness. Fuckin eh, two thumbs and a busted eardrum up! Oh yeah,  
these guys are German and not Swedish...just thought their noise might 
throw you off. 
Sean Hogan


Review in Eye Witness # 43

Die Distortorama 7" ist anlässlich der 2000er CLUSTER BOMB UNIT Japantour erschienen, aber das konntest Du ja genau wie eine kompletter CBU Discography bereits im Interview mit deren Drummer Oliver in der #42 Deiner Lieblingslektüre nachlesen. Anyway, diese fünf Stücke bieten exakt das, was CLUSTER BOMB UNIT schon immer fabriziert haben, und das erstreckt sich nunmal auf schnellen und brutalen, wilden Crustcore mit finsterem Geröhre. Diese fünf Tracks, die gleichermaßen, sowohl von dem mir so geliebten, schwedischen Bulldozerthrash als auch von feistem DIScore infiziert wurden, stellen meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach neben der ´99er "...and the dirty little weapons" 7" das stärkste Zeug der Band überhaupt dar, und von daher gibt es eigentlich keinen Grund sich diesen auf schlappe 500 Kopien (durchnummeriert) limitierten Brecher, der zudem noch in wunderschönem rot/schwarzen Splattervinyl kommt, nicht zu greifen.

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